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December 28 @ 08:00 AM

From the Inside Out

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    December 28 - January 01

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    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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From the Inside Out

Learn about the depths of the Earth, inner-workings of technology, and explore what’s inside the human body … all from the inside out.

Camp sessions are scheduled to take place at half capacity (12 per group in 4 total classes) due to COVID-19. We’re taking several preventative safety measures to keep you and your campers healthy this fall, such as:

  • Campers’ health will be screened daily through a series of questions asked to parents.
  • Campers will be in groups of no more than 12. The group will stay together the whole week and not mix with other groups.
  • Camp staff will wear cloth face masks at all times, except to present demonstrations from more than 6 feet away.
  • Campers will not be in gallery spaces during public admission hours.
  • Check in and check out will occur outside of the museum entrance.
  • Subway will take orders and payments each morning outside of the museum entrance. Due to health and safety guidelines, we cannot allow campers to bring money to buy Subway later in the day. Subway will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday.
  • The gift shop will be open from 3:30pm to 5pm every Friday.

Our current COVID-19 protocol is the following:

  • Each camp group and the associated camp staff will be considered a pod. These pods are contained together during activities throughout the day.
  • If a camper tests positive, campers and associated camp staff will be considered “close contact” and camp will be cancelled for the pod. Prorated refunds will apply.
  • If a family or household member of a camper exhibits symptoms and is being tested, the camper must not attend camp. The camper must be quarantined until the results of the family or household member returns.
    • If a family or household member receives a postive test result, the camper is now considered a “close contact” and must quarantine for 14 days. The camper must be symptom-free and receive a negative test result before returning to camp.
    • If the family or household member receives a negative test result, the camper is not considered a “close contact” and may return to in-person class.

For a detailed of the museum’s preventative health and safety measures, please see our cleaning policies in the FAQ.




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