March 28
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
406 11th Avenue North #250ProviderTrust, Inc, the leading provider of healthcare compliance screening, monitoring, and verification tools, will host Play Like a Girl to explore how partnerships can help girls from underserved communities across Nashville understand and believe they have an exciting future full of possibilities, and someday they can pursue a STEM career or any other they choose.
Our founder and CEO, Dr. Kimberly Clay, will join a member of the ProviderTrust team for a lively discussion on the latest research around girls and women in STEM, how to support underrepresented youth in these subjects, and strategies found to be impactful. We will learn and share insights, thoughts, and tools on the topic.
Following the discussion, ProviderTrust employees will be immersed in the Play Like a Girl experience with an exclusive guided exercise to mark the journey.
406 11th Avenue North #250Lunch & Learn,
Partnership, Lunch & Learn, Informational Meeting, Employee Engagement,
Sponsoring or hosting a sport- or STEM-related event for students in grades 6-8? List it here for free.