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July 26 @ 12:00 PM

TGR Learning Lab

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    July 26 - July 29

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    12:00 PM - 01:30 PM

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At the TGR Learning Lab, we are focused on opening your mind to potential careers and college majors available
to you. Instructors at the TGR Learning Lab Anaheim site will be offering FREE virtual summer classes for students
across the nation. These classes will be offered to students who will be in grades 6-8 starting in Fall 2021.

Aerodynamics to the Rescue
Have you ever heard the word “aerodynamics”? In this class, we will go over what the word means as well as how
it applies to the real world. We will also use the knowledge learned to complete hands-on activities using common
household materials. From a space lander to a flotation device, the activities will be sure to be fun and hands-on.
Come join us!

Graphic Design
Do you have a love of design and technology? In this course, students will explore the wonderful combination of
technology and art. Graphic Design is all around us, both on-screen and in print. Students will discover how to apply
various design principles in their own art and gain the tools to uncover new skills. We’ll explore many of the wonderful online resources that exist for growing designers. So, join us online and come learn something new!

Introduction to Cybersecurity
Our world is digitally connected through computers, smartphones, video game systems, and many other smart
devices. This is the marvel of technology, but it can also be an unsafe place if we don’t understand how to carefully
navigate it. In this interactive class, you will learn about the internet, how it works, digital footprints, binary code,
encryption, and careers. With the gained Cybersecurity knowledge, you will understand the importance of privacy,
protecting personal data, and how to stay safe online.

Are you interested in working with animals? Come join our Zoology class to explore various careers that work with
animals and learn what to expect as a zoologist. You will be able to experience some projects that professionals in
this field may encounter and learn about the steps you can take if you are interested in pursuing zoology as a career!

Register HERE





Zoology, Aerodynamics, Graphic Design, IT,