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December 17 @ 05:00 PM

STEM+ Holiday Celebration at Adventure Science Center

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    Free – $5.00

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    December 17

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    05:00 PM - 07:00 PM

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Join us for a joyous holiday treat at the Adventure Science Center.

Girls in 5th through 9th grade are invited to join Play Like a Girl for a special evening of STEM+ exploration followed by an electrifying, holiday-themed laser show and hot cocoa pop-up.

This festive show will take holiday lights and music to an epic new level, uniting modern and classic hits with stunning laser lights in the planetarium. This is a multimedia spectacular of choreographed laser beams, colorful 3-D animation and light effects performed to traditional holiday favorites and experimental electronic composition.

Show duration is approximately 30 minutes and will end at 7:00 p.m.

See you Saturday, December 17th! Click the share button and invite your classmates, friends and Girl Scout troop.

Special Instructions: This is a DROP OFF EVENT but parents must check in and out with their student(s) present.

Check in begins at 4:45 p.m. Check out is at 7:15 p.m.

Registration Fee: Tickets are free but a non-refundable $5 registration fee is required.

Girl Scout Badge/Patch: We encourage your Girl Scout to uncover inspiring experiences in STEM, entrepreneurship and innovation in fun, hands-on ways while building life skills that will serve her no matter what her future holds! She’ll explore exciting STEM careers and design solutions to out-of-this-world problems. From ideation to prototyping to practicing their pitch, Scouts become inventors as they design their own innovations. They also build confidence as they learn strategies for communicating their ideas with others.

Juniors and Cadettes can explore new STEM interests and tackle big challenges – all while having fun and earning their Girl Scout badges. To do this, Scouts must verify with their troop leader that they will approve the badges earned by participating in Play Like a Girl programs and events.

You will receive a final confirmation email with any additional information you need about 3-5 days prior to the event. Please also make sure to print, complete and sign all required waivers and forms – and bring them with you to this event.

RSVP today!

Note: We will no longer offer free-to-register programs and events. Free events, particularly during the COVID-19 era, carry extremely high no-show risks, thereby reducing our impact and risking our relationships with partners and sponsors who invest time, talent and treasure to deliver high-quality programming for our girls. To also ensure our girls the best experience possible, tagalongs are not permitted to attend events unless otherwise noted. A tagalong is defined as any child (i.e. sibling, non-registered friend) that does not meet the age and/or grade level requirement for the scheduled program or event.

Adventure Science Center
800 Fort Negley Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37203

Contact for registration questions: [email protected]


Special Event, Field Day,

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