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September 11 @ 10:00 AM

STEM+ Saturdays

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    September 11

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    10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

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STEM+ Saturdays is a collaborative space where middle school girls get to ideate, create and innovate with the help of women mentors. Each session is hands-on, allowing students to work in teams to design creative new solutions to real-world problems. Sign up today as space is limited!

Sew with Circuits | September 11

In this workshop, you’ll learn basic hand sewing techniques while experimenting with circuits. You’ll construct a working and wearable circuit using a battery, conductive thread, conductive tape and an LED. Then, you’ll get to design a way for it to work on a purse, hat or shirt.

Batgirl Fashion | October 9th

October is Bat Appreciation Month so things get spooky this STEM+ Saturday! Bat conservationist Dr. Kristen Lear will teach us about the amazing world of bats. Plus, you’ll make your own human-sized bat wings, just in time for Halloween.

The STEM Diaries Discovery | November 6th

In this hands-on experience, future STEM superstars will learn how to create a bullet journal diary and fill the first page with information they learn from Emily Bayuk, an entrepreneur and employee for Accenture’s security team. The girls will also receive insight about being an electrical engineering student.

Hour of Code | December 4th

Cleavon Shen from Asurion will teach the principles of how modern company’s run Internet solutions without servers using the latest cloud technologies. Once you have basic knowledge you will then create your own serverless web app.




STEM, Fun, Workshop,

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