April 10
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Living things are made up of many, many cells, and these cells have instructions inside them called DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). These instructions include things called “genes” which control the proteins our cells create, and ultimately, control how our cells look and behave! Genetic engineering is a super important development because we can build and alter genes to make cells look and behave in certain ways. Why is this a big deal, and how does this help scientists better understand life? Learn with us and grad student Tyler Perdue at 11 am on April 10th!
Join us on April 10th at 11 am to hear a graduate student discuss their research and answer questions about being a scientist! Register HERE
Sponsoring or hosting a sport- or STEM-related event for students in grades 6-8? List it here for free.