October 09
10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Join us for our annual Girls Rock STEM Summit
Our world is changing faster than ever, and it’s never been more important for us to highlight positive female role models and mentors to inspire young girls to realize their limitless potential in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
In the spirit of helping girls realize their dreams, women leaders in STEM will share their stories to inspire an audience of middle school girls (grades 5-8) from across Nashville, Tennessee and the nation. Girls will enjoy a hands-on exhibit style experience up close and personal with companies of all sizes and types. Plus, teams of girls will compete for some amazing prizes in our STEM+ Challenge.
Because imagining she can be anything is just the beginning. Actually seeing that she can makes all the difference.
Sponsorship opportunities available. Email [email protected] by September 15 to confirm your company’s participation.
Summit or Conference, Special Event, Meet + Mentor, Featured,
Hands-on, Challenge, Exhibition,
Sponsoring or hosting a sport- or STEM-related event for students in grades 6-8? List it here for free.